FORS Driver Handbook

Connect with your drivers anytime, anywhere

The traditional driver handbook powered up and made into a mobile app. With a web-based content management system that puts managers in control.

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By The Driver Handbook

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Key Benefits

  • Stay compliant, all content is fully aligned to the FORS Standard.
  • Connect with your drivers anytime, anywhere.
  • Content is available for all vehicle types.
  • Meet over 30 communications requirements across Bronze, Silver and Gold Standards.
  • All content can be instantly updated, meaning information is always up-to-date.

What is FORS Driver Handbook?

Watch a three-minute video

A mobile content app and web-based FORS-branded software

The FORS Driver Handbook is a powerful tool. It helps fleet managers save time by improving driver communications.

Connect with drivers anytime, anywhere, easily.

  • Customisable content for all vehicle types, meeting Bronze M5 Communications requirements.
  • Links to the live Highway Code and driver declarations. Fulfil Bronze D2 Driving Standards.
  • TDHConnect to manage monthly Toolbox Talks and campaigns. Align with Silver S8 Internal Communications.
  • Evidence of compliance with over 30 communications standards. Across Bronze, Silver, and Gold levels.

Mobile app

The mobile app offers a digital FORS-branded driver handbook.

Extra features include;

  • Free Toolbox Talks
  • Knowledge checks
  • Company-specific policies, procedures, and declarations

With instant content updates, your drivers always have the most accurate information.

phone showing the driver handbook app open
phone showing the driver handbook mobile training
phone showing the driver handbook toolbox talks

laptop open with the TDHConnect app open


TDHConnect is a web-based FORS-branded portal. It gives managers access to all standard content. As well as an audit trail and version control.

Add your company-specific information and send instant updates straight to drivers.

The portal also offers:

  • Management reports on driver access and progress
  • Driver notifications
  • Digital signatures
  • Details on when content was read and for how long

See for yourself

Click the button below, and fill in the online form to request a demo.

The Driver Handbook demo team will show you around the app and CMS. They will answer questions and give you an overview of the types of content available.

Hand holding a phone showing a screen from the mobile app.

FORS Driver Handbook Reviews

It’s a massive time saving tool for both managers and drivers. Our SLMs no longer have to spend time on paperwork to communicate to drivers or wait for drivers to come into a depot to pass on information or obtain signatures; drivers can access all information at the point of need, at a time that suits them; they can also easily refer back to it at any point in time.”

Marshalls Mono Ltd

“We use TDHConnect® which means I can quickly upload any new information, send it out to staff in seconds and see exactly who’s read what, when and for how long. If I need to, I can even reset a user’s progress if I think they’ve only skimmed the information.”

Glynn’s Skips

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